“99-year-old Leonard Milholland: Still Flying Ultralight Jets! His Inspiring Story!”

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Since the Wright brothers’ first powered flight in 1903, aviation has come a long way. Today, flying is a commonplace activity for many people around the world. However, it wasn’t always so easy or accessible. In the early days of aviation, only the most wealthy and adventurous could afford to take to the skies.

One of the pioneers of early aviation was Leonard Milholland. Born in 1899, Milholland was a self-taught pilot who started flying in the 1920s. He built his own planes and flew them for pleasure and competition. In the 1930s, he started a flying school and became one of the first commercial pilots in the United States.

Milholland continued to fly into his 90s and only stopped when his eyesight started to fail. He passed away in 2009 at the age of 110, but his legacy lives on through the many people he inspired to take up flying.

In this interview, Milholland discusses his life in aviation, from the early days of flying to his later years as a commercial pilot. He describes the changes he has seen in the industry over the years and shares his thoughts on the future of aviation.